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Evolve Performance Group Blog

Archive by month: 2017-11Return
The Missing Links in Leadership Development: Action & Engagement

The Missing Links in Leadership Development: Action & Engagement

As a former program manager of a community leadership program I often asked our guest speakers to define leadership. I usually received some warm and fluffy textbook remarks about skills, traits and styles – followed by some cold stares. There was always something missing and everyone was seeking the same answer – including the speaker. Why is it so difficult to define and quantify leadership? What are the missing links?
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Improve Business Value by Implementing Employee Engagement Strategies

Improve Business Value by Implementing Employee Engagement Strategies

Companies with high employee engagement level tend to have better stock performance, but not every CEO sees the connection. We suspect the disconnect at the CEO level stems from a lack of awareness, belief in the science of behavioral economics and the perception that the money being left on the table from disengagement must be Monopoly money.
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Linking Leadership & Employee Engagement

Linking Leadership & Employee Engagement

An excellent article by Claudia Williams about leadership and engagement. I would like to provide an added “How to” perspective and put her Leadershift into the next gear. Consider implementing an integrated performance-based employee engagement survey and manager/leadership training program. A program of this nature would ensure the execution of Claudia’s suggestions – the need to gain trust, loyalty, and respect, facilitate communication, and build workplace friendships. The employee engag...
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The Dangerous Truth About Safety

The Dangerous Truth About Safety

From the first prehistoric hunter to employ someone as saber-toothed tiger bait to today's modern leadership issues, we have learned two big lessons. Employee safety has clearly (and mercifully) become more important. People who don't like their job probably don't do a very good job. 
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