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I Should Never Have Responded To The 'Confidential' Employee Survey

I Should Never Have Responded To The 'Confidential' Employee Survey

We recently came across an article on forbes.com titled, "I Should Never Have Responded To The 'Confidential' Employee Survey". In this article Ernesto shares his concern that his 'confidential' survey results were shared with his manager. Hear what Evolve Performance Group CEO Jeff Tobaben says about employee survey confidentiality and the importance of a well deployed employee engagement program.
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I’m Just the "Employee Engagement Monitor"

I’m Just the "Employee Engagement Monitor"

Many of us have seen the LifeLock commercials depicting different scenarios of “monitoring” of an activity.  For instance, the Bank Security Guard that takes no action during a bank robbery and says that he is simply a “Security Monitor.”  Or the dentist in a LifeLock commercial that finds a cavity and says that he’s just the “Dental Monitor.”  In either case, the “monitor” takes no action.
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Are your dealership’s customers satisfied or are they engaged?

Are your dealership’s customers satisfied or are they engaged?

For years, we’ve been chasing Customer Satisfaction in the automotive industry. Here’s my question – Why are we aiming so low? Satisfaction is meeting the most basic of customer expectations. Is the new car full of gas? Is it cleaned and ready for delivery on time? Was the vehicle fixed right the first time? These are things that customers expect of us.
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Evolve CEO Jeff Tobaben Speaking at Gulf Coast HR Symposium

Evolve Performance Group CEO Jeff Tobaben will be speaking at the Gulf Coast Symposium on HR Issues next Thursday, May 12th, in Houston, Texas. Jeff's presentation, Not All Engagement Surveys are Created Equal, will discuss common mistakes when deciding on an engagement program as well as best practices that can save your company money and ensure a successful survey. In addition he will discuss effective and ineffective survey questions along with the business impact of engagement.
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